If you missed this years September event, you missed the fun. And we hope you join us at one of our other great fund raising events. We would like to thank our sponsors and all the volunteers who made this event a great success. It was a beautiful late summer day for the event and we also would like to thank the gang at Armitage and The Caddyshack for adding to the great setting. We continue to get support from so many people that adds to our growth and widens the base of the GLY Foundation. So we can keep pace for our fund raising goals. If you didn't attend the event or if you did, just a recap of a statement our Founder and President, Bob Eager made during his address. Bob told us the story of a young women who was diginosed with breast cancer, but because of the awareness and the treatment centers we have here in central PA, she today has a clean bill of health. In Bob's address he showed not only his passion for finding a cure, but spoke also for the passion and commitment the GLY Foundation as, in supporting the research and treatment centers here in central PA. Please join us as we continue to raise dollars and fight cancer.